Episode 547: Phil Klay & Elliot Ackerman

Authors Phil Klay (Redeployment, Missionaries) and Elliot Ackerman (2034, Places and Names) join Daniel Ford to chat about their new books Uncertain Ground: Citizenship in an Age of Endless, Invisible War and The Fifth Act: America's End in Afghanistan, respectively.

Find community. Writing is really hard. Writing a book is a long and difficult process. Being able to share work with friends engaged in the same work who are interested in the same questions can be invaluable.
— Phil Klay

To learn more about Phil Klay, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. Also listen to our first interview with the author in Episode 454.

You’ve got to read. All writers are readers. There are no writers who aren’t readers.
— Elliot Ackerman

To learn more about Elliot Ackerman, visit his official website and follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Also listen to our previous interview with the author (and Admiral James Stavridis) in Episode 476.