New York Times

LISTcavage: The 5 Best Things I Read in January


By Adam Vitcavage

I turned 29 on Jan. 3 and made 30 goals of sorts to do prior to the time I turned 30 in 2019. One such goal was to read more. Now, you may think, don’t you already read a lot of books? I do. Fiction, mostly. I also read the news via tweeted links, and I keep up on the entertainment business (production deals, actor hires, viewership ratings, etc). I read a lot. In theory. But I found myself reading a lot of the tl;dr, clickbait versions of article that some sites regurgitate with just the pertinent information.

Not anymore. I’m going to the source. I’m reading in depth reporting about a wide variety of subjects. The whole piece, too. No more petering out near the end of the article because the premium information was at the top of some inverted pyramid.

That’s the reason I’m collecting the best things I’ve read every month. So maybe you can find something interesting as well.

“‘I Want it to Stop’”

By John Woodrow Cox (Washington Post)

I’m cheating. This article, the sixth and last in a series about violence and the American adolescence, was published on Dec. 27, 2017. It’s an important and chilling read nonetheless. John Woodrow Cox navigates the story of 15-year-old Ruben Urbina, who after unsuccessful suicide attempts called to police threatening to blow up his block with a bomb. He didn’t have a bomb and suicide-by-cop was his goal. The narrative weaves his family’s reaction, as well as his best friend Jessica Newburn’s own struggles with depression, with an informative investigation into teen suicide.

On average, one child under the age of 18 committed suicide every six hours last year, according to a Post review of new data released Dec. 21 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nearly half of those children died from hanging, strangulation or suffocation, while 41 percent used guns. The total number — 1,533 — was the largest in at least a decade, nearly doubling over that period.

“Is This the Golden Age of Drag? Yes. And No.”

By Isaac Oliver (The New York Times)

As a straight, white male, I shouldn’t like drag. At least according to the majority of society. I do, though. It’s art. It’s a great performance. It’s intriguing. VH1’s "RuPaul’s Drag Race" helped launch drag queens into a wider audience. My sister has been watching for years. It’s something we enjoy together. Queens have become stars--going on tours, attending conventions, and selling their won merchandise—but for the cream of the crop, or those past their prime, drag is becoming…a drag.

New York bars pay anywhere from $50 to $250 a gig, plus tips, which can be fruitful — Bob, before “Drag Race,” said she paid off student loans with 10,000 singles — or not.

Regular expenses like new outfits and wigs, makeup replenishment and cabs (to avoid harassment on 3 a.m. subways) add up, as does drag’s physical toll. “There’s athlete’s foot, joint pain, U.T.I.s, pink eye,” Katya said. “There’s bizarre sexualization, not being sexualized when you want it, and the almost complete forfeiture of a regular gay relationship.”

Charlene, laughing at her kitchen table, said, “Unless you win ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ the rewards are mostly spiritual.”

“A New Old Skywalker”

By Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Facebook post)

Never has a fan-base been so split on something the love so much. Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi has divided "Star Wars" fans to the opposite ends of the galaxy. Those who loved it versus those who hated it. I’m in the camp that says, “Yeah, I enjoyed it.” But I’m also someone whose Star Wars mantra is that no film is as good as the world thinks it is, but no film is as bad as the world thinks it is. Fans rank "The Empire Strikes Back" as an A++ and "Attack of the Clones" as an F--. I say the bell curve is closer than you think. Anyway, Johnson’s friend JGL, who also has a cameo in the film, both of which he addresses in the piece, decided to share his opinions on TLJ and film in general.

I also wanna say, I’m not here to tell anybody they’re wrong. Personally, I don’t think it’s possible to be wrong when it comes to movies, or art, or literature, or whatever you wanna call it. In our ever more gamified culture, with endless awards shows, publicized box office figures, and the all-knowing Tomatometer, it seems conversations about movies are more and more often put into quantified terms of good and bad, best and worst, right and wrong. And then there’s the twitface-insta-fueled tribalism, people taking sides, pointing fingers and spitting venom at the other guys. There seems to be a lot of that going around right now from both lovers and haters of this movie. Dear oh dear, folks. This isn’t politics or sports. The fruit is in the subjectivity. If you feel differently than I do, I’m 100% cool with that. I think it’s often in these very differences of perspective that movies can be at their most enlightening, helping us learn something about each other and ourselves.

“Pennsylvania’s gerrymandered House map was just struck down — with huge implications for 2018”

By Andrew Prokop (Vox)

In late January, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court voted that the U.S. House maps were a violation of the state’s constitution. While I was gathering articles for this list I was originally going to suggest this New York Times article about the issue (which I still recommend). But here I’m talking about a simply written, but informative example of how gerrymandering greatly affects the entire nation.

Republicans tried to pack Democratic-leaning areas together into very few districts. The hoped-for result was that the GOP would lose a few districts by large margins, yet win a majority of districts comfortably and consistently.

That’s exactly what happened. In statewide elections, Pennsylvania was a competitive swing state.

“The Invasion of the German Board Games”

By Jonathan Kay

What do I know about board games? Next to nothing. This article is about hobby board games—those niche games for super fans. Settlers of Catan is one. I’ve played it and I see what they mean. While anyone can play a board game, there are some which require skill for the game in particular instead of a general sense of intelligence or humor or what have you.

Hobbyists around the world started paying serious attention to German-style board games (or “Eurogames,” as they’re now more commonly known) following the creation of Settlers of Catan in 1995. While it took more than a decade for that game to gain a cultural foothold, there seems to be no going back: Much in the way that Cold War–era American beer connoisseurs gravitated to the higher quality and vastly larger variety offered by European imports in the era before stateside microbrews took off, players who’d become bored with the likes of Monopoly and Scrabble started to note the inventive new titles coming out of Germany.

Table of Contents: Juvenile Hall Writers and John Swartzwelder's Long Lost Pilot

This guy strongly suggests you read this post.

This guy strongly suggests you read this post.

Table of Contents is a series that collects stories from around the Internet that will inspire you to keep writing and reading. To share writing news with us, leave a message in the comments section or tweet us @WritersBone.

By Daniel Ford

Writing Hall

Teenagers at the Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall are being encouraged to express themselves through creative writing by InsideOut Writers, a volunteer group that includes Hollywood executive producer Scott Budnick. "I'll be stressed out — I'll write about it," one of the inmates told The Los Angeles Times. "It's a good outlet. I don't have to fight somebody and dig a deeper hole." Powerful read that will further convince you of the lasting importance of words.

Turn That Soul Around

Michelle Huneven’s keynote address at Writing Workshops LA: The Conference, which took place on June 28, 2014 at the Autry National Center in Los Angeles, is chock-full of wonderful writing advice. Here are a few of my favorites:

“To write, you have to turn your soul around. And then you have to turn it around again, and again, because there’s always slippage. Even after dozens of years of writing, there is slippage.”
“We have to accept the fact that there will be interruptions, and develop our abilities to get back into writing a little more swiftly each time.”
“Writers have to be able to delay gratification. To work without immediate pleasures. To delay gratification in general is the great sign of maturity. In writers it is absolutely essential.”

Camp Out

This is kind of a weird story in The New York Times about Jeff Bezos hosting an annual literary weekend in Sante Fe, N.M. Bezos allegedly invites a dozen or so writers to the desert and showers them with high-end gifts and food. This year’s event gave attendees some agita because of Amazon’s current battle with the publishing company Hachette. So many great, pretentious, writer quotes in this one. You can hear the whining and desire to be feted without any consequences.

Female Geniuses

The website Bustle points out that “there aren’t any women writers on the 2014 MacArthur list aside from graphic memoirist/cartoonist Alison Bechdel.” Tori Telfer gives a worthy list of female writers that should have been awarded a grant, which includes Marilynne Robinson, Louise Erdrich, Meg Wolitzer, and others.

Doesn’t Answer the Question: Where is the Booth?!

Remember when Sean Tuohy wrote about the mysterious John Swartzwelder, a writer for “The Simpsons” who may or may not actually exist? Well, apparently, an old pilot he wrote called “Pistol Pete” has surfaced on YouTube. It’s a western. That sound you hear is Sean’s head exploding with happiness.

For posts from The Boneyard, check out our full archive.

Table of Contents: Smokey Robinson Can’t Stop Writing and Why Writers Need to Take Risks

Smokey Robinson

Smokey Robinson

Table of Contents is a series that collects stories from around the Internet that will inspire you to keep writing and reading. To share writing news with us, leave a message in the comments section or tweet us @WritersBone

By Daniel Ford

Second That Emotion

According to an Associated Press feature, Smokey Robinson can’t stop writing.

"I write on the plane, on the bus, on the train, I write in the bathroom. I do have a bunch of songs that I'm very anxious to record."

This is great news for the rest of us. Don’t stop Smokey! Don’t ever stop!

The 74-year-old musician has an album coming out Aug. 19 called “ Smokey & Friends.” It features duets with the likes of Elton John, Steven Tyler, John Legend, and James Taylor.

Baseball Writer

With the Little League World Series in progress, Williamsport is constantly in the sports news. But it wasn’t a particular 12-year-old that caught my eye recently (with the exception of female fireballer Mo’ne Davis), but writer Austin Gisriel, who published a book on former Detroit Tigers pitcher Cletus Elwood “Boots” Poffenberger.

Gisriel was interviewed by Herald-Mail Media and one of his answers stood out to me:

"Sometimes, however, I have to force myself to forget about pulling weeds and cleaning up the garage and write."

He’s speaking literally, but how many times do us writers have to pull ourselves away from our self-imposed to-do lists in order to sit down and do what we love? What are some of the ways you pull yourself away from the weeds and sit down at the computer (you can answer in the comments section or tweet us @WritersBone)?

Check out Gisriel’s official website to learn more about the author and his work.

Risky Business

Ever have a family member, friend, or love interest get bent out of shape after reading about a character that might resembled them too closely?

That certainly was the case for author David Gordon, who talks about his ex-wife unfriending him on Facebook after reading his last novel, in his essay in The New York Times.

He speaks to a fear that we’ve mentioned quite a bit here at Writer’s Bone. Many writers don’t like sharing their work because they are afraid it won’t be liked or it might offend/insult a certain readership. Gordon reconciles this fear with this invaluable insight:

"Writing then, must feel risky in order to feel like life."

Yes. A million times yes.

Gordon also has a wise friend that gives him a hilariously sparkling piece of advice at the end of the essay. A must read.

Lauren Bacall, Writer 

Acting legend Lauren Bacall, who died Aug. 12 at the age of 89, may be best remembered for her roles in “To Have or Have Not” and “Key Largo,” but she was also a writer!

According The Los Angeles Times, she wrote three memoirs, By Myself, Now, and By Myself and Then Some, and said that writing was the “most complete experience” she’s ever had. She also wrote her first one in longhand on yellow legal pads!

I remember Bacall from her role in “My Fellow Americans” as the wife of former President Jack Lemmon. Her advice on swearing is the reason I curse as freely as I do.

Bears in Kilts

Author Vonnie Davis explains to USA Today how she started writing about Scottish bears.

Really, if you need more explanation than that to read the article, there is something seriously wrong with you.

For posts from The Boneyard, check out our full archive.