10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Love ‘Parks and Recreation’

Benslie? Lesen? Whatever, best television couple ever!

Benslie? Lesen? Whatever, best television couple ever!

By Daniel Ford

"Parks and Recreation" aired its Season 6 finale April 24 and is (supposedly) headed into its final season next fall. The show certainly has suffered from every symptom known to older sitcoms (recycled plots, babies, will they?/won't they?, Ron Swanson being Ron Effing Swanson). The laughs are harder earned and the emotional moments don't hit you quite as hard.

However, I'm long past the point of being objective about this show. It's the "Cheers" of my generation (after watching and adoring all 11 seasons of that classic television show, this is not praise I dish out lightly). I'm emotionally invested in every character and I find myself tearing up more often than not (I get chills every time "5,000 Candles in the Wind” plays).

I don't know how much time I have left to enjoy Pawnee and its wacky inhabitants, but I know I'll be crying and laughing through every moment. Here are 10 of my favorites (so far):

Model UN Battle

Chris Pratt’s face in this scene seals this moment as one of my all-time favorites. Ben Wyatt’s “Good Lord” is the perfect denouement.

Stop. Pooping.

Rob Lowe’s best moment on television. Nothing else comes close.

London Calling

This probably won’t be the last Ron Swanson moment, but it’s probably his best. The Season 6 premiere of “Parks and Recreation” was brilliant television for a show that’s winding down its run. It could have easily served as the series’ final episode ever. His reaction to seeing the whiskey distillery at the end of Leslie’s scavenger hunt is as good as any brown liquor.

Ron Swanson v. Dinner

I love breakfast food. The only thing keeping me from saying this every time Stephanie Schaefer and I go out to brunch is the fear that she will break up with me immediately.

Punk Ass Book Jockeys

As a reader and a writer, I shouldn’t enjoy Leslie Knope’s hatred of the library so much. But I do.

Fine Leather Goods

Treat. Yo. Self.

He's A Mini-Horse!

The fact I don’t own a Li’l Sebastian shirt is a crime. Every reaction to the mini-horse is a great one, including non-believer Ben Wyatt.

People Are Idiots

Yup, more breakfast food. #treatyoself

Small Park, Big Love

Ben and Leslie might be my favorite television couple of all time. Their moment of throwing caution to the wind at “The World’s Smallest Park” was a homerun (starts at 1:43 mark). Getting dusty in here all over again…dammit.

Dammit Jerry

This scene will never not be funny. I just played it 500 times.