A New Chapter

New day in America, new day for Writer's Bone!

This week, we're debuting a new theme song (produced by the great Jeremy Fogel) and revamping our website and color schemes. We thought it was a good time to share with our listeners our basic principles:

We believe in the power of the written word.

We believe that storytelling can excite us, educate us, and, at its best, unite us.

We believe in promoting authors of all backgrounds, races, creeds, and experiences.

Since 2014, we’ve had the privilege of talking to best-sellers, debut authors, screenwriters, actors and actresses, and so many others that embrace creative endeavors. We hope you’ll subscribe to the show and continue this journey with us because we have no intention of stopping any time soon.

You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, iHearRadio, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, and more.

Keep writing, everyone!