
Kris Rey, Writer and Director of 'I Used to Go Here'

Kris Rey, Writer and Director of 'I Used to Go Here'

Writer and director Kris Rey joins Caitlin Malcuit on Friday Morning Coffee to discuss her film "I Used to Go Here."

Sarah Gubbins & Josephine Decker, 'Shirley' Writer and Director

Sarah Gubbins & Josephine Decker, 'Shirley' Writer and Director

Caitlin Malcuit sits down with Sarah Gubbins and Josephine Decker, writer and director of "Shirley," which features the reimagined life of horror author Shirley Jackson.

Matthew Reilly, Author of the Jack West Series

Regular Friday Morning Coffee host Caitlin Malcuit is on vacation for two weeks, so Daniel Ford and Sean Tuohy step in and discuss movies they wished they saw in theaters from 1997 to 2010.

Sean then welcomes back Matthew Reilly, author of the Jack West series, to chat about what movies he's watched in quarantine and what he's working on next.

To learn more about Matthew Reilly, visit his official website, like his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Today's Friday Morning Coffee is sponsored by:

Aaron Harvey, Writer/Director of ‘Into the Ashes’ and ‘The Neighbor’

Aaron Harvey, Writer/Director of ‘Into the Ashes’ and ‘The Neighbor’

Writer and director Aaron Harvey joins Sean Tuohy on Friday Morning Coffee to discuss his new film “Into the Ashes.”